Title: Tich Button 2022 Urdu IMDB Ratings: 8.6/10
Release date : November 25, 2022 (Pakistan)
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Language: Urdu
Quality: 720p 480p pDVDRip
Director: Qasim Ali Mureed
Stars: Iman Ali, Marhoom Ahmad Bilal, Urwa Hocane
Movie Plot: Kaka helps Saqib when he refuses to marry his cousin Shakeela, but the refusal leads to complications and a wealth of lies. Leena from Turkey enters the picture and love is in the air.
Movie Plot: Kaka helps Saqib when he refuses to marry his cousin Shakeela, but the refusal leads to complications and a wealth of lies. Leena from Turkey enters the picture and love is in the air.
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